HIMT Pre Sea Campus, Kalpakkam has been a pioneer in imparting quality Maritime education to the upcoming Indian Sea Farers. The cadets of HIMT are not only equipped with sound academic and professional knowledge but also trained and groomed to be good citizens who can shoulder their responsibilities to protect our environment from further depletion which is the vehement need of the hour.
As a part of our commitment to protect the environment and to in still and imbibe the qualities of Leadership and responsibilities in our cadets to save the good earth, VAN MAHOTSAV WEEK was celebrated on 7th July, 2023 in the HIMT PRE SEA Campus, Kalpakkam.
Sri Sanjeev S Vakil MD & SMT Tarangani S Vakil, Director of Finance, HIMT group of institutions and the first lady of the pre sea campus who were the distinguished Chief Guests on the occasion, in their special address appealed to the cadets to be aware and conscious of the Global Warming which pose a great threat to our very existence and plant more trees not only in our campus but also in and around their respective residences and neighborhood.
The Principal Capt. Anand Subramanian in the special assembly organized to commemorate the event, emphasized the need for protecting our environment from further threat and danger. He said that the ozone layer has already been depleted beyond its endurance and hence we need to plant and grow more trees to protect our environment not only for our survival but also for the healthy living of our future generation. He further said, If we don’t wake up from our slumber and stupor to protect our good earth at least now, we may not have the opportunity to lead a healthy and hygienic life. Our future generation may not have fresh and unpolluted air to breath, clean and uncontaminated water to drink.
Earlier Sri RG Thayakaran Campus Officer welcomed the gathering to the Van Mahotsav celebration held in the open ground of the Campus. Cadet Saravanan GME 23 highlighted the need for planting more trees to add to the green cover of the campus so that we enjoy shade even during peak summer and also the fruits fresh from the HIMT Garden.
The event came to an end with the vote of thanks proposed by Mrs. S.Geetha Faculty in Computer Science.