“We are glad to inform you that by God’s grace and your best wishes HIMT has once again been shortlisted in the category “The Education and Training Award” at the Seatrade Maritime Awards 2014 (considered to be the Oscars award of Shipping). Leading personalities from various countries formed the panel of judges to select the Finalist and the awards are to be presented on Monday 27th October 2014 at Atlantis – The Palm, Dubai.
The entire HIMT Family thanks you for your unstinted support given throughout these years of association with us and look forward for the same for our future endeavors.

SVCE Distinguished Alumnus 2013-2014 Award To Mr. Sanjeev S.Vakil

World’s Largest Classification Society DNV-GL Awards GRADE A1-OUTSTANDING To HIMT COLLEGE
HIMT is glad to inform that by God’s grace and your best wishes we have once again become the First College of India to successfully complete the Comprehensive Inspection Program (CIP) by World’s Largest Class, DNV-GL and awards Grade A1- OUTSTANDING. Ever since 2004, when the Grading system was introduced by the Directorate, HIMT has been proactive in its approach and have been in the forefront and have received GRADE 1 from ICRA, CRISIL, SMERA.
The introduction of CIP grading has been developed and DGS has issued detailed Guidelines as per DGS Order 25 of 2013 on 31st Dec’13. The grading has been awards considering the various parameters which includes Infrastructure setup and Maintenance, Faculty & HRD, Student Development Program, Onboard Training records and overall performance of the College.
Further, HIMT has been fortunate to receive the Grade A1 certificate from the highest authority of Indian Shipping, Shri Gautam Chatterjee, IAS (Director General of Shipping) in midst of Senior officials of the Directorate including Jt. DG, Chief Surveyor with Govt of India, Nautical Advisor to Govt of India, Dy. Director General of Shipping, Asst. Director General of Shipping and other senior officials of the Directorate on 13th Jan’14

World’s Largest Class DNV-GL Awards “GRADE A1 – OUTSTANDING” For All Presea Courses And Post Sea Competency Courses
We are glad to inform that by God’s grace and your best wishes we have once again become the First Institute of India to successfully complete the Comprehensive Inspection Program (CIP) for all our Postsea Competency courses basis on the DGS Order 23 of 2014 dated 27th Dec 14 by World’s Largest Class, DNV-GL and awards Grade A1- OUTSTANDING . The grading has been awards considering the various parameters which includes Infrastructure setup and Maintenance, Faculty & HRD, Student performance and sustainability of Institute, overall performance and Management.
Last year Jan-Feb 2014, both Class NK and DNV-GL had completed their 1st CIP inspection at HIMT College for all the Presea courses and awards OUTSTANDING- Grade A1. HIMT has now become the first and the only Institute to have received Grade A1- OUTSTANDING for all the Presea and Post sea competency courses. HIMT became World’s Largest Institute to have maximum number of courses certified by a single Class Bureau Veritas in February 2013, and now is the only college of the world to be certified by ClassNK, DNV-GL, Bureau Veritas, ICRA, CRISIL, CARE & SMERA.

World’s Largest classification society ClassNK – Awards “GRADE A1 – OUTSTANDING” TO HIMT College
HIMT has now become the first and the only College of India to complete the Comprehensive Inspection Program (CIP) by World’s Largest Class, DNV-GL and ClassNK and received Grade A1- OUTSTANDING . HIMT became World’s Largest Institute to have maximum number of courses certified by a single Class Bureau Veritas last February, and now is the only college of the world to be certified by ClassNK, DNV-GL, Bureau Veritas, ICRA, CRISIL , CARE & SMERA.